Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle, 40th Anniversary Edition
For four decades, this classic collection of tough, beautiful, and earthy prayers has lightened hearts and dared spirits to soar.
Miracle in Isaiah: Divine Marvel and Prophetic World
Isaiah is a miracle. Divine wonder can be found in its testimonies to God's communication with people, in reminders of God's acts long ago, in reports of God's acts of rescue of his people, in God's promised acts of restoration in the future, and in God's extraordinary acts toward other peoples. The extraordinary binds the prophecy together.
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Exodus and Deuteronomy: Texts @ Contexts series
The Texts @ Contexts series gathers scholarly voices from diverse contexts and social locations to bring new or unfamiliar facets of biblical texts to light...
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Third Edition, Revised and Expanded
Since its initial publication, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible has established itself as the indispensable authoritative textbook and reference on the...
Encountering the Jewish Future: with Wiesel, Buber, Heschel, Arendt, Levinas
Marc Ellis maintains that the most vital questions about Judaism are prefigured in the work of Elie Wiesel, Martin Buber, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Hannah Arendt,...
Introducing the Old Testament: Third Edition
John Drane's survey textbook provides an engaging general introduction to the persons, events, and cultural context of the Old Testament. Arranged historically,...
The Social History of Ancient Israel: An Introduction
Histories of ancient Israel have usually focused attention on major figures in powerful positions: kings, prophets, and patriarchs. Kessler asks about the...
Hosea: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Hosea
A fascinating commentary on one of the most difficult of the Old Testament prophets.
Deuteronomy for the Church: Who We Are, What God Requires
Deuteronomy's core theology expressed in the Shema forms the structure of the book: What does it mean to "hear"? Who is "all Israel"? How does the identity of the one Lord shape ethics? The competence to be God's people, to know God, and to do God's will comes only through hearing the transforming Word of God in Scripture.
The Way of Abundance: Economic Justice in Scripture and Society
In The Way of Abundance, economist and minister Edith Rasell examines the Old and New Testament teachings on economic justice through the evolution of ancient economic orders and systems. While scriptural instructions address economies in the past, Rasell identifies consistent, recurring principles to construct a vision for a just economy today.
The Liberation of Method: The Ethics of Emancipatory Biblical Interpretation
The field of biblical studies has championed the historical-critical method as the only way to guarantee objective interpretation. But in recent decades, scholars have pursued hermeneutical approaches that provide interpretations useful for marginalized communities who see the Bible as a resource in their struggles against oppression. Such liberative strategies remain on the margins. The Liberation of Method argues that this marginality must end, and that liberative methods should become central to biblical studies.
Altogether Lovely: A Thematic and Intertextual Reading of the Song of Songs
The frank eroticism of the Song of Songs has long seemed out of place in the Hebrew Bible. As a result, both Jewish and Christian...
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Insights from Archaeology: Reading the Bible in the Twenty-First Century
Each volume in the Insights series presents discoveries and insights into biblical texts from a particular approach or perspective in current scholarship. Accessible and appealing...
James and Paul: The Politics of Identity at the Turn of the Ages
Here V. George Shillington seeks to understand both James and Paul as Jews engaged in different but complementary missions and concludes that the tension between those missions indicates a conflict between different politics of identity.
The Social World of the Sages: An Introduction to Israelite and Jewish Wisdom Literature
The notion of a distinct "wisdom tradition" in ancient Israel has a long history-but does it have a basis in the evidence? Mark R. Sneed argues for a redefinition of the wisdom literature as a loosely cohering collection of books aimed at educating scribal apprentices in moral instruction and the art of living.
Rethinking Early Christian Identity: Affect, Violence, and Belonging
Maia Kotrosits challenges the contemporary notion of "early Christian literature," showing that a number of texts usually so described are "not particularly interested" in a distinctive Christian identity. By appealing to trauma studies and diaspora theory and giving careful attention to the dynamics within these texts, she shows that this sample of writings offers complex reckonings with chaotic diasporic conditions and the transgenerational trauma of colonial violence.
Galilee in the Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods, Volume 1: Life, Culture, and Society
This accessible volume includes modern general studies of Galilee and of Galilean history, as well as specialized studies on taxation, ethnicity, religious practices, road systems, trade and markets, education, health, village life, houses, and the urban-rural divide.
Revolt of the Scribes: Resistance and Apocalyptic Origins
In previous studies, Richard A. Horsley has set Jesus in the context of Jewish prophetic and social banditry movements and has elaborated the imperial context...
Reading the Hebrew Bible after the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust Theology
Is theology possible after the Shoah? Marvin Sweeney challenges biblical theologians to take that question with utmost seriousness. Sweeney examines often...
The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
In this first paperback edition of a volume originally published by Mohr Siebeck in 2003, stellar international scholars question whether there in fact was a...
Academic Bible Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
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