The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1
For many readers, Genesis 1-2 is simply the biblical account of creation. But ancient Israel could speak of creation in different ways, and the cultures of the...
Reading the Hebrew Bible after the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust Theology
Is theology possible after the Shoah? Marvin Sweeney challenges biblical theologians to take that question with utmost seriousness. Sweeney examines often...
The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
In this first paperback edition of a volume originally published by Mohr Siebeck in 2003, stellar international scholars question whether there in fact was a...
Jeremiah: Reading the Prophet in His Time and Ours
"While Holladay has written widely and helpfully on other topics, his intensive work on the prophet Jeremiah remains one of the most important contributions...
Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God: In Ancient Israel
Winner of Biblical Archaeology Society Award—Best Scholarly Book on Archaeology
How were male and female deities understood in ancient Canaan and...$49.00
The Psalms through Three Thousand Years: Prayerbook of a Cloud of Witnesses
Until now, no book has conveniently combined treatment of the origins of the Psalms with attention to their Jewish and Christian use through history. William...
Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah
Phyllis Trible examines rhetorical criticism as a discipline within biblical studies. In Part One she surveys the historical antecedents of the method from...
Micah: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Micah
With refreshing respect for the reader, Hillers lays out the evidence for his case cautiously and asks the readers to form their own decisions . . . He very...
The Historical Writings: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition
This commentary on the Historical Writings, excerpted from the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The Old Testament and Apocrypha, engages readers in the work of biblical interpretation. Contributors from a rich diversity of perspectives connect historical-critical analysis with sensitivity to current theological, cultural, and interpretive issues. Each chapter (Joshua through Esther) includes an introduction and commentary based on three lenses: ancient context, the interpretative tradition, and contemporary questions and challenges. The Historical Writings introduces fresh perspectives and draws students, preachers, and interested readers into the challenging work of interpretation.
Practicing Exile: The Religious Odyssey of an American Jew
Faith and struggle, pain and promise As a post-Holocaust Jewish thinker, Marc Ellis inhabits the land between homes that we call exile. In this...
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: Prophecy
John J. Collins's Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is one of the most popular introductory textbooks in colleges and seminary classrooms. Enriched by decades of...
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Jubilees: A Commentary in Two Volumes
Jubilees is an ancient rewriting of Genesis and the first part of Exodus from an anonymous second-century BCE Jewish author whose distinctive perspective--as well as the writing's apparent popularity at Qumran--makes it particularly important for any reconstruction of early Judaism. James C. VanderKam, the world's foremost authority on the writing, offers a new translation and the first full commentary on the book in the English language, covering contemporary scholarship and describing the book's influence on Jewish and Christian writers.
TANAK: A Theological and Critical Introduction to the Jewish Bible
Though "biblical theology" has long been considered a strictly Christian enterprise, Marvin A. Sweeney here proposes a Jewish theology of the Hebrew Bible,...
Leviticus: A Book of Ritual and Ethics: Continental Commentaries
Building upon his life-long work on the Book of Leviticus, Milgrom makes this book accessible to all readers. He demonstrates the logic of Israel's sacrificial...
Ezekiel 1: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 1-24
This book will become one of the classic works on Ezekiel. It is so thorough that it will be most useful to the scholar and serious students.
Ezekiel 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Chapters 25-48
A major achievement . . . An essential tool for any serious study of Ezekiel.
The Old Testament: A Literary History
Renowned Hebrew Bible scholar Konrad Schmid here provides a comprehensive discussion of the task, history, and conditions of the history of Old Testament literature...
Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible
This monumental work is the first comprehensive biblical theology to appear in many years and is the culmination of Brevard Child's lifelong commitment to...
Finally Comes the Poet: Daring Speech for Proclamation
The Christian gospel, says Brueggemann, is too easily preached and heard. Too often technical reason and excessive religious certitude reduce the gospel to...
Academic Bible Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
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