A Nonviolent Theology of Love: Peacefully Confessing the Apostles Creed
Putt's book argues for a "systematic" theology of a nonviolent God. Chapters follow the structure of the Apostles' Creed--God, Trinity, the Person and Work of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Creation, Church, the Human Person, and the Last Days, making it an ideal teaching text. Each chapter lays out a brief summary of traditional beliefs and then explores these theological topics in light of a nonviolent, redemptive God.
The Art of Living for A Technological Age
The Art of Living for A Technological Age sketches the crisis of our late modern age, where persons are enamored by the promises of progress and disciplined to form by the power of technology--the ontology of our age. Yet, it also offers a response, attending to those performative activities, educative and transformative social practices that might allow us to live humanly and bear witness to human being (becoming) for a technological age.
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The End Is Not Yet: Standing Firm in Apocalyptic Times
The title of this book comes from Matthew 24:6–8: “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for...
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Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church (Second Edition)
Joy Unspeakable focuses on the aspects of the Black church that point beyond particular congregational gatherings toward a mystical and communal spirituality not within the exclusive domain of any denomination. Holmes's research--through oral histories, church records, and written accounts--details not only ways in which contemplative experience is built into African American collective worship but also the legacy of African monasticism, a history of spiritual exemplars, and unique meditative worship practices.
Love in a Time of Climate Change: Honoring Creation, Establishing Justice
Love in a Time of Climate Change issues a call to readers to develop a loving response to climate change, which harms the poor, threatens...
Insights from African American Interpretation
Each volume in the Insights series discusses discoveries and insights gained into biblical texts from a particular approach or perspective in current scholarship. Accessible and appealing to...
Theology the Lutheran Way
Rather than asking if theology is theoretical or practical—a question that reveals a fundamental lack of understanding about the nature of theology in general—it is better to ask "What exactly is theology?" It is this question that Oswald Bayer attempts to answer in Theology the Lutheran Way, clearing up misconceptions about the essence of theology. Along with Luther himself, Bayer claims that theology, rather than being something that we do, is really what God does.
The Cross of Reality: Luther's Theologia Crucis and Bonhoeffer's Christology
This book investigates Bonhoeffer's interpretation and use of Luther's theology in shaping his Christology. Shows how Bonhoeffer's conversation with his teachers and contemporaries, Karl Holl and Karl Barth in particular, develops.
God—The World's Future: Systematic Theology for a New Era, Third Edition
God--The World's Future has been a proven textbook in systematic theology for over twenty years. Thoroughly revised and expanded, this third edition is explicitly crafted to address our postmodern context and explains the whole body of Christian historical doctrine from a within a "proleptic" framework.
There Is No Rose: The Mariology of the Catholic Church
This study contributes to the revival of a more full-blooded Marian teaching and attempts to take the path set by ressourcement theology in recovering the robust voice of witness to Mary. Aidan Nichols, OP, argues for the crucial relevance of Mary in the theological articulation of the gospel, the celebration and practice of the liturgy, and the sacramental life of the Church.
The Histories of the Latin American Church: A Handbook
For the first time, this resource exists to help students and scholars understand the histories of Latin American Christianity. An ideal resource, this handbook is designed as an accompaniment to reading and research in the field.
Saving Beauty: A Theological Aesthetics of Nature
With interdisciplinary verve, engaging systematic, philosophical, and art theory systems of aesthetics, this volume fosters the cultivation of the sense of beauty through creative, religious, and sacramental experience. All three types, in fact, are critically nec
The Imposing Preacher: Samuel DeWitt Proctor and Black Public Faith
As a distinguished Baptist pastor, educator, and public servant, Samuel DeWitt Proctor made it his mission to serve American life by fighting against racism. In...
Ain't I a Womanist, Too?: Third Wave Womanist Religious Thought
This volume gathers essays from established and emerging scholars whose work is among the most lively and innovative scholarship today.
Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King, Jr. -- these giants of recent Christian social thought are here reassessed for a new context and a new generation....
Finding Language and Imagery: Words for Holy Speech
Sermons use words. And though it appears obvious that preachers should be careful and exacting in word choice, novice preachers often set aside this aspect of...
Pastoral Care of Alcohol Abusers
Over 120 million American teens and adults use alcohol at one time or another. While in most situations these individuals are able to use it responsibly and...
Interpreting the Bible: Approaching the Text in Preparation for Preaching
This volume provides preaching students and clergy with introductory knowledge of current approaches and methods in biblical studies, familiarity with the...
Crisis Counseling: Third Edition
Crisis Counseling unites the historic skills of pastoral care and counseling with current methods of crisis intervention from the fields of psychology and...
Thinking Theologically: The Preacher as Theologian
Preachers are not simple representatives of a particular theological world. Each preacher manifests characteristics that arise from that person's particular...
Academic Theology Systematic
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