Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People
Practicing Our Faith offers help to Christians who are asking how our faith can help us discern what we might do and who we might become. Practices are shared activities that address fundamental needs of humankind and creation and that, woven together, form a way of life. The twelve practices explored in this book are practices that human beings simply cannot do without, particularly at this time in history.
Planetary Solidarity: Global Women’s Voices on Christian Doctrine and Climate Justice
Planetary Solidarity brings together leading Latina, womanist, Asian American, Anglican American, South American, Asian, European, and African woman theologians on the issues of doctrine, women, and climate justice. The book creatively engages Christian doctrine with the purpose of addressing the myriad ways climate change impacts the health and livelihood of women around the globe. The contributors focus their reflections around the following doctrines: creation, the triune God, anthropology, sin, incarnation, redemption, the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology.
Eucharistic Body
Building on his previous work, Frank C. Senn explores the relationship between the sacramental body and blood of Christ, the ecclesial body of Christ, and...
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing, 2nd Edition
Doing Justice introduces people of faith to congregation-based community organizing rooted in the day-to- day struggles and hopes of urban ministry. Drawing from the author’s decades of...
Beyond Church Walls: Cultivating a Culture of Care
Pastoral care has been traditionally understood as pastoral acts administered to individuals or small groups by an ordained or lay religious practitioner. As congregations in the twenty-first century begin to reclaim the missional nature of church, this view must be broadened to include care and concern for the needs of the larger community. In Beyond Church Walls, Rick Rouse articulates precisely what a missional approach to pastoral care looks like?and the substantial impact it can have on congregations and communities.
Ways of the Word: Learning to Preach for Your Time and Place
Preaching, and the discipline of preaching, is at a crossroads. The changing realities of church and theological education, the diversity of our classrooms, and our increasingly complex community contexts leave us in search of tools to help train a rising generation of preachers for a future whose contours are far from clear. In Ways of the Word, a dynamic team of master preachers, Sally A. Brown and Luke A. Powery, speaks with one voice their belief that preaching is a witness to the ongoing work of God in the world.
Exploring the Life and Calling
In this introductory volume for the Foundations for Learning series, Black asserts that while the primary subjects of seminary and professional church work training may dominate the interests of students, students must engage in the principal pursuit of understanding, then applying, Christian theology.
Exploring Theology
Elaine A. Robinson introduces readers to the study of theology as a central task of all Christians and one that deserves careful and consistent attention. Following a lively examination of what theology is and how we do it, Robinson provides a basic map of the major doctrines of the faith and asks readers to consider their own beliefs at this important point in their journey.
Sticky Learning: How Neuroscience Supports Teaching That's Remembered
Educators are engaging with neuroscientists to reshape classroom practices, content delivery, curriculum design, and physical classroom spaces to enhance students' learning and memory, primarily in elementary and secondary education. Why not in seminary education?
Understanding Bible by Design: Create Courses with Purpose
This book introduces the reader to Understanding by Design: an approach to course design that is proven time-efficient and grounded in the instructor's most closely-held convictions about her subject matter's "big ideas and essential questions."
Mediating Faith: Faith Formation in a Trans-media Era
The church struggles with media. Whether it is a denomination negotiating the 24-hour news cycle or a church evaluating how online games influence the youth group, the role of media in the church, and the importance of understanding media for the church, has never been greater.
Professional Sexual Ethics: A Holistic Ministry Approach
Sexual health is an essential part of maintaining professional relationships in ministry.
Redeeming Fear: A Constructive Theology for Living into Hope
In this book, Whitehead helps us find the roots of hope in the soil of our fears so that we can form lives and communities of hope in the midst of a culture of fear.
Acts of the Apostles: Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries
Acts of the Apostles helps the preacher identify possibilities for sermons based on texts and themes in the book of Acts.
Empowering Couples: A Narrative Approach to Spiritual Care
This book outlines five tasks focused on identity, agency, and meaning that spiritual caregivers can use to empower couples for significant change in just three to five conversations.
The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church's Response, Second Edition
In this comprehensive, practical, and gripping assessment of various forms of violence against women, Pamela Cooper-White challenges the Christian churches to examine...
Proclamation and Celebration: Preaching on Christmas, Easter, and Other Festivals
Proclamation and Celebration focuses homiletically on the six principal festivals of the church year: Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, and Holy Trinity...
Trauma and Transformation at Ground Zero: A Pastoral Theology
From personal interviews with chaplains at the temporary mortuary at Ground Zero and her own experiences as an Episcopal priest, psychotherapist, and chaplain,...
The Journey and Promise of African American Preaching
African American congregations have long been celebrated as a locus for powerful, prophetic preaching, but at its best they have also embraced a strong pastoral...
Domestic Violence: What Every Pastor Needs to Know: Second Edition
According to the American Medical Association, one quarter of American women will be abused by an intimate partner at some point in their lives. Loving support...
Academic Theology Systematic Practical
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