Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition: The Deuteronomistic History
John J. Collins's Introduction to the Hebrew Bible is one of the most popular introductory textbooks in colleges and seminary classrooms. Enriched by decades of...
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First Isaiah
The eighth-century BCE Isaiah of Jerusalem, the so-called First Isaiah, is one of the most important theological voices in the Bible. J. J. M. Roberts makes good use of his broad comparative knowledge of ancient Near Eastern historical and religious sources in providing a fresh and original interpretation of this prophet’s genuine oracles.
Judges 1: A Commentary on Judges 1:1 – 10:5
This groundbreaking volume presents a new translation and detailed interpretation of the book of Judges, drawing on archaeology and iconography, textual versions, biblical parallels, and extrabiblical texts, as well as a thorough review of modern scholarship. Full literary and redactional analyses are included. Notably, archaeology is used to show how a story of the Iron II period employed visible ruins to narrate supposedly early events from the so-called "period of the Judges."
Jesus the Refugee: Ancient Injustice and Modern Solidarity
The book argues that the holy family has a limited set of legal options for protection, but under current law is unlikely to receive any. Along with the basics of modern refugee law and processes, Butner raises ethical challenges to the refugee system, indicting our moral failures and daring us to make amends.
The Pentateuch: Introducing the Torah
This textbook introduces students to the contents of the Torah and orients them to the key interpretive questions and methods shaping contemporary scholarship, inviting readers into the work of interpretation today. Pedagogical features include images, maps, timelines, reading lists, and a glossary.
Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The Old Testament and Apocrypha
This commentary on the Old Testament and Apocrypha presents a balanced synthesis of current scholarship, enabling readers to interpret Scripture for a complex and pluralistic world. The result is a commentary that is comprehensive and useful for preaching, teaching, and research.
Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel
There are untold numbers of female prophets hiding in the masculine grammar and androcentric focus of the Hebrew scriptures. There are women-prophets in the...
Jeremiah 2: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapters 26-52
Includes a full introduction, which deals with the development of the text and the literary development from the earlist dictated scrolls to its final form.
The Gospel on the Margins: The Reception of Mark in the Second Century
Michael J. Kok surveys the second-century reception of Mark, from Papias of Hierapolis to Clement of Alexandria, and finds that the patristic writers were hesitant to embrace Mark because they perceived it to be too easily adapted to rival Christian factions. Kok describes the story of Mark's Petrine origins as a second-century move to assert ownership of the Gospel on the part of the emerging Orthodox Church.
The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word
Walter Brueggemann declares that the necessary character of truly prophetic preaching today is "a contestation between narratives." If the dominant narrative of our time...
1 Enoch 2: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 37-82
1 Enoch presents interpreters with a complex knot of interrelated puzzles concerning the history of early Judaism, the trajectories of wisdom and apocalyptic...
Vast as the Sea: Hebrew Poetry and the Human Condition
The poetry of the Old Testament articulates the painful experiences of being human. Vast as the Sea shows how texts like Job, Jeremiah, and the Psalms provide honest and healing expressions for life's struggles. This book is a rich resource for scholars and readers of the Bible, as well as for psychologists and pastoral counselors.
Texts of Terror (40th Anniversary Edition): Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives
In this seminal work of biblical scholarship, Phyllis Trible focuses on four variations on the theme of terror in the Bible as she reinterprets the stories of four women in ancient Israel. Trible shows how these neglected stories--interpreted in memoriam--challenge both the misogyny of Scripture and its use in church, synagogue, and academy.
Insights from African American Interpretation
Each volume in the Insights series discusses discoveries and insights gained into biblical texts from a particular approach or perspective in current scholarship. Accessible and appealing to...
Isaiah Old and New: Exegesis, Intertextuality, and Hermeneutics
Reading the Book of Isaiah in its original context is the crucial prerequisite for reading its citation and use in later interpretation, including the New Testament writings, argues Ben Witherington III.
Joshua and Judges: Texts @ Contexts series
Joshua and Judges focuses attention on themes and tensions at the beginning of Israel's story in the Bible.
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The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship
In the last several years, Walter Brueggemann's writings have directly addressed the situation of Christian communities in today's globalized context, with its...
Sacred Witness: Rape in the Hebrew Bible
In Sacred Witness, Susanne Scholz discusses the wide range of rape texts in biblical literature-some that long have troubled readers, others that should have...
Covenantal Conversations: Christians in Dialogue with Jews and Judaism
This useful volume, edited by noted theologian Darrell Jodock and including leading thinkers both Christian and Jewish...
Related Strangers: Jews and Christians 70-170 C.E.
This book examines Jewish-Christian relations during one of the most formative but also most obscure centuries, when many of the features that have...
Academic Bible Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
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