Theological Education Underground: 1937-1940: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 15
With extensive commentary about their historical context and theological significance, this volume of writings covers a crucial time and an understudied period...
Preaching the Headlines: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Preaching the Headlines reframes preaching as an ongoing conversation between the modern world and the world of the biblical text. Preachers use what they know about life as a bridge to the text, while life in the text provides the bridge back to faith in the contemporary world. The goal of the book is to provide a process to aid preachers in doing theological reflection on the everyday world as an integral part of sermon development.
Dem Dry Bones: Preaching, Death, and Hope
In an age when the so-called prosperity gospel holds sway in many Christian communities or the good news of Christ is reduced to feel-good bromides...
Grief: Contemporary Theory and the Practice of Ministry
The experience of grief has been a source of intrigue and curiosity throughout history, and it continues to stimulate thought and theory in various fields of...
Luther's Outlaw God Volume 3: Sacraments and God's Attack on the Promise
In this third of three volumes addressing Luther's outlaw God, Steven D. Paulson invites readers to embark on the deepest, hardest, most glorious of all God's ways of hiding: God hiding a third time in the preached word or sacraments. Paulson's grasp of historical, theological, and hermeneutical scholarship is on full display in this volume, but always in service of proclamation of the gospel. Readers and proclaimers: prepare to be provoked, enlightened, and inspired.
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Transformative Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist, and Mujerista Perspectives
The first of its kind, this book is a systematic representation of Lutheran feminist, womanist, and mujerista theologies: systematic, in that it addresses...
Beyond Apathy: A Theology for Bystanders
Theological conversations about violence typically frame the conversation in terms of victim and perpetrator. Comprehensive theological responses to violence must also address the role of collective passivity of bystanders of violence. Beyond Apathy examines the theological significance of bystander participation in patterns of violence and violation within contemporary Western culture, giving particular attention to the social issues of bullying, white racism, and sexual violence. In doing so, it constructs a theology of redeeming grace for bystanders to violence that foregrounds the significance of social action in bringing about God's community.
Renewing New Testament Christology
This book redefines "New Testament Christology" as content and as the discipline explaining that content. Behind this dual redefinition stands one conviction: instead of perpetuating the view of Christology as a theologically informed history of early ideas about Christ.
A Nonviolent Theology of Love: Peacefully Confessing the Apostles Creed
Putt's book argues for a "systematic" theology of a nonviolent God. Chapters follow the structure of the Apostles' Creed--God, Trinity, the Person and Work of Jesus, Holy Spirit, Creation, Church, the Human Person, and the Last Days, making it an ideal teaching text. Each chapter lays out a brief summary of traditional beliefs and then explores these theological topics in light of a nonviolent, redemptive God.
Creator God, Evolving World
Cynthia Crysdale and Neil Ormerod here present a robust theology of God in light of supposed tensions between Christian belief and evolutionary science.
Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King, Jr. -- these giants of recent Christian social thought are here reassessed for a new context and a new generation....
Pastoral Care of Alcohol Abusers
Over 120 million American teens and adults use alcohol at one time or another. While in most situations these individuals are able to use it responsibly and...
God and Creation in Christian Theology: Tyranny and Empowerment?
How are God and creatures related? How can one reconcile the sovereignty and power of God with creatures' capacity to act freely? Kathryn Tanner's important...
Literary Companion to the Lectionary: Readings Throughout the Year
This beautiful book offers poems and literary pieces for Sundays and principal feasts throughout the liturgical year. Each selection relates to an aspect of...
Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling
More and more professionals in ministry realized the benefits of brief pastoral counseling?typically three sessions?for addressing the real-life...
Christian Liturgy: Catholic and Evangelical
Written with special attention to Early Church, Reformation, and present day traditions, this is a new comprehensive study of Christian liturgy that sorts...
What Is Theology?
Available in English for the first time, What Is Theology? presents a clear compendium of the theology of one of this century's giants. From 1926 to 1936...
Karl Barth: Theologian of Freedom
Ranked by many among the great theologians of church history, Karl Barth was the leading European theologian in the first half of this century. His 1919 ...
Love in a Time of Climate Change: Honoring Creation, Establishing Justice
Love in a Time of Climate Change issues a call to readers to develop a loving response to climate change, which harms the poor, threatens...
Little Prayer Book, 1522 and A Simple Way to Pray, 1535: The Annotated Luther Study Edition
This volume provides two of Martin Luther’s most significant writings on prayer. In Little Prayer Book, 1522, Luther seeks to reform the theology and practice...
Academic Theology Systematic
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