Ad Fontes
Volumes in the Ad Fontes series, from Fortress Press, are an ideal guide for students of early Christianity whether in a class setting or in personal study. Ad Fontes volumes are arranged thematically and cover both foundational topics, such as Trinity and Christology, and broader themes such as wealth and poverty, and worship and liturgy.
African American Perspectives
The history of Africans and men and women of African descent in the Americas is one of oppression and struggle, and also a history of courageous faith, creativity, and vitality. African American scholars have brought new light to biblical texts, to the Christian tradition, and to contemporary society with insights that require universal consideration. Fortress authors include the pioneers of the struggle for racial justice and current lights of theology in an African and African American key.
Fortress authors explore the thought of prominent theologians, ancient (Irenaeus) and modern (Paul Tillich), and wrestle with the questions atonement through generations of scholarship.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the most significant Protestant theologians of the twentieth century, a legacy sealed by his imprisonment in a German concentration camp and eventual execution. Fortress Press is proud to be the main provider of Bonhoeffer’s thought in English including a wide selection of primary and secondary source titles to assist in understanding, interpreting, and receiving Bonhoeffer’s lasting contribution to Christian thought.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works series
Featuring the acclaimed DBWE translation and adapted for a more accessible format, the new Reader's Edition volumes include supplemental material from DBWE general editor and insightful introductions by Bonhoeffer scholars which clarify the theological meaning and importance of his work.
How do we live responsibly in an age of dramatic technological and environmental change? How do we understand ourselves and our role as creatures within a bio-diverse ecosystem? Fortress has a continued commitment to providing key resources for understanding the challenges we face today and constructing new visions of religious hope, change, and preservation.
Questions of justice and economics‒‒and of how economic justice might be secured‒‒weave through the biblical and subsequent Jewish and Christian traditions and speak to the dilemmas and conflicts of our own day. Discover Fortress authors who explore biblical resources, vital themes of the Christian theological tradition, and urgent questions of today.
Engagements with Abrahamic Religions
How do the three great "Abrahamic faiths"—Judaism, Christianity, Islam—relate to each other? How do they differ? Explore key resources including textbooks and comparative scholarship aimed at facilitating understanding and walking in faith together.
Feminist and Womanist Studies
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people," —Maria Shear, 1986. Fortress authors have been at the forefront of feminist and womanist inquiry and protest and continue to speak at the intersections of gender and politics, theology, race, and Christian origins.
Fortress Commentary on the Bible
In the Fortress Commentary on the Bible, a team of six scholar editors and seventy contributors provide clear and concise commentary on key sense units in each book of the Old Testament, Apocrypha, and New Testament. Each unit is explored through the lenses of three levels of commentary based on critical questions. The result is a commentary that is comprehensive and useful for gaining insights on the texts for preaching, teaching, and research.
Foundations for Learning
The Foundations for Learning series are intended for first-year seminary students or those who are considering seminary education. The books in the series share practical advice that will give students the vital skills, practices, and values needed to succeed in seminary.
Hermeneia series
The Hermeneia commentary series seeks to offer authoritative interpretation of the earliest texts of the biblical books and other literature closely related to the Bible.
International Study Guides
The International Study Guides series highlights the scholarship, wisdom, and insight of scholars working in global contexts. Ranging across theology, Bible, and Christian history, each volume is brief in length, accessible in tone, and provides insights from a global perspective.
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition
In this third edition, John J. Collins’s Introduction to the Hebrew Bible has been updated with a brand-new index as well as new maps and images, laid out in a refreshed and innovative format. Enriched by decades of classroom teaching, it is aimed explicitly at motivated students regardless of their previous exposure to the Bible or faith commitments.
Series and Themes
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