2 Maccabees: A Critical Commentary
The second-century B.C.E. Maccabean revolt against Seleucid oppression was a watershed event in early Jewish history and Second Maccabees is an important...
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Face to Face: Martin Luther's View of Reality
Kolb explores Luther's use of the Latin preposition coram - "face-to-face" - to demonstrate the foundational role of relationships in Luther's thought. For Luther, believers, fundamentally rooted in their relationship with the Creator of every person and thing, experience all of life's realities in relationship: with God, self, and others.
Jeremiah: The World and the Wound of God
Jeremiah exposes the corruption of religious commitments, addresses national trauma and uncertainty, and proclaims the requirements of true lament and resolve. Daniel Berrigan's fiery, spiritual reading of the prophet Jeremiah evokes social action, religious courage, and personal witness.
Healing the Wounds of the Displaced: Pastoral Ministry in Immigrant Churches
This book invites readers into a new model of ministry on the margins. Zamora brings lived experience and a pastoral heart to bear in this unique window into the stress, trauma -- and gifts -- of undocumented immigrant communities. He integrates theology, psychology, and practical approaches to develop a new ecclesiology for the immigrant church.
Available October 7, 2025
White Supremacy through Black Eyes: Human Dignity, Defacement, and the Grace of Racial Healing
Mitchell weaves personal experience with incisive analysis to develop a theological exposition of human dignity, its defacement, the toxic ideology of racial superiority that erects such harsh impediments to racial reconciliation, and the conditions necessary before a new beginning for race relations might take shape.
Available October 7, 2025
The Progressives' Bible: How Scriptural Interpretation Built a More Just America
Progressive movements have rooted themselves in the Bible as much as conservative. This book examines how abolitionism, women's rights, and civil rights movements used scripture for their arguments, featuring the work of Maria Stewart, Septima Clark, Fannie Lou Hamer, Frederick Douglass, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
What Is African American Religion?: Expanded Edition
Is there really a monolithic "Black church"? Distilling the arguments of Anthony Pinn's important and provocative work in Terror and Triumph, this brief volume asks the central question: What really is African American religion? In this expanded edition, Pinn offers new reflections on the state of the Black church.
A Rumor of Black Lutherans: The Formation of Black Leadership in Early American Lutheranism
The history of Lutheran engagement in the Black context in the US is regrettably thin. This book helps Lutherans in the United States, and other students of American history, assemble a complete account of the role of early American Lutherans in higher education among African Americans.
Ruptured Bodies: A Theology of the Church Divided
Ruptured Bodies is a systematic theological account of the divided church. It argues that no ecclesiology can ignore division, because in doing so, it fails to describe the church that actually is. Such an understanding must integrate the reality of division, while refusing to blunt its sharp edge.
Climate Justice, Climate Hope
Fruitful, faithful action toward climate justice creates more ecological, equitable, democratic forms of economic life. With stories, liturgies, humor, and straight talk, Malcom and mohaupt invite readers to build knowledge, skills, global companionship, and spiritual courage for action at the intersection of climate, economy, and racial justice.
Available October 14, 2025
Divine Ecosystem: A Quaker Theology
Randazzo's theological narrative of liberal Quakerism creates clarity and structure without compromising the capacious breadth and depth of this distinctive tradition. Using the metaphors of an ecosystem, Randazzo helps readers understand the richness of Quaker theology while offering space for the myriad ways Friends experience the sacred.
Available October 14, 2025
Each in Our Own Language: Symbolization and Social Ethics in Rural America
Durheim plumbs the depths of symbol and meaning in rural America, arguing that understanding rural Americans' symbolic world is essential to forming social conditions where love might flourish. Durheim draws attention to symbol's social function, something with which rural Christian ministry, theological ethics, and rural sociology must reckon.
Available October 14, 2025
Unnatural Death: Creation, Sin, and the Angelic Fall
Unnatural Death argues in favor of the Christian claim that death is an evil, caused by sin. To do so, it offers a theological grammar of scriptural interpretation, of voluntary and natural evil, and of time and eternity which links the origins of death to the fall of the angels.
Available October 14, 2025
A History of Christian Psalmody: From the Pauline Mission to the End of the Fifth Century
A History of Christian Psalmody traces history of Christian psalm-singing during the church's first five centuries. It describes the formats, melodic character, and uses of psalmody in a wide range of settings, including personal and domestic devotion, church liturgy, monastic life, and public ecclesial events such as processions.
Available October 21, 2025
Following the Prophet: The Life and Spiritual Legacy of Muhammad
This book offers an overview of the life and spiritual legacy of the Prophet Muhammad as he has lived in the hearts of Muslims across time. It gives a portrait of this vitally significant religious figure and discusses how Muslims have remembered and reimagined his spirit in different ways as expressions of their love for God and His messenger.
Available October 21, 2025
Working for the Public Good: Lutheran Ethics and Modern Social Democracy
Despite critiques of quietism, European Lutherans fostered social ethics that produced systemic, structural changes in social services, law, education, health care, states and nations, and public morality and eventually led to the welfare state. Grounded in faith active in love for the neighbor, Lutherans transformed northern Europe.
Available October 21, 2025
A New Song We Now Begin: Celebrating the Half Millennium of Lutheran Hymnals 1524-2024
We tend to remember hymns one at a time. We forget that the reason we can do so is because they have been made available throughout the centuries in hymnals. This edited collection explores the 500-year tradition of Lutheran hymnal production, illustrating how these books have influenced Lutheran faith and worship practice over time.
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Revised and Expanded Fourth Edition
Since its initial publication, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible has established itself as the indispensable authoritative textbook and reference on the subject. In this thoroughly revised fourth edition, Emanuel Tov has incorporated the insights of the last ten years of scholarship.
The Empathic God: A Clinical Theology of At-Onement
In The Empathic God, Frank Woggon constructs a clinical theology of "at-onement." Woggon calls for a caring participation in God's ongoing work of salvation through a praxis of spiritual care. The book will help practitioners and students of spiritual care as well as clergy to critically reflect on where spiritual care practice and theology meet.
Modern Chinese Theologies: Volume 3: Academic and Diasporic
The third volume in the series Modern Chinese Theologies expands the scope of "China" and Chinese theology. It addresses two distinct groups: scholarship by mainland Chinese academics, and the writings of Chinese-speaking theologians beyond China, including the diasporic Sinophone worlds of East and Southeast Asia.
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