Alphabet of Faith: Prophetic Prayers for a Chaotic World
In Alphabet of Faith Brueggemann offers exemplars of prayers that reverence what it means to believe, point to the gritty faith required to confront the powers of this world in prayer, and follow biblical examples in engaging the world for good and for God. In the end, Brueggemann challenges followers of God to make their own book of prayers.
Available July 29, 2025
Heresy in the Middle Ages: A History of Authority and Exclusion
Medieval Christianity evolved economic, intellectual, and theological structures to consolidate authority and test orthodoxy. This book investigates the relationships between the medieval church and the growing number of heretical groups, highlighting where they were motivated by overlapping concerns such as a zeal to live the apostolic life.
Job: Understanding the Biblical Archetype of Patience
In Job: Understanding the Biblical Archetype of Patience, Samuel E. Balentine examines the rich and varied history of interpretation of Job by focusing on the principal characters in the story. Comparing the different interpretations from various time periods and cultures reveals a compelling understanding about the story of Job.
The Dove and the Dragon: A Cultural History of the Apocalypse
The Dove and the Dragon is the first comprehensive history of Western apocalypticism. Ed Simon introduces a new system for classifying the movements between hopeful "doves" and violent "dragons." This way of interpreting history gives a full scope of apocalypticism as a genre. The book promises to be the standard introduction for years to come.
Available August 12, 2025
Solomon: Israel’s Icon of Human Achievement
Through Solomon and his place in the larger consciousness of Israel, Walter Brueggemann considers what narratives reveal about the ideals of the ancient Israelite people. Paying attention to nuances of the biblical text, he exposes the competing voices that claim to offer a reliable rendering of Solomon and invites critique of accepted beliefs.
Lost in Translation: Recovering the Origins of Familiar Biblical Words
Two millennia of time, translation, and interpretation mean that what we read and understand in English today is often very different from what the Hebrew would have meant to the Bible's authors and earliest readers. This book recovers those original meanings and explores their relevance for today.
Available August 19, 2025
Marcion: The Gospel of a Wholly Good God
This comprehensive portrait of Marcion's life, thought, and work measures heresy reports by the rod of Marcion's scriptures to create a new paradigm for understanding the Pontian as a believer in one good God, Christ truly crucified, the importance of celibacy, the reality of Christian sacraments, and a Pauline canon.
Available August 19, 2025
The Identity and Mission of the Korean American Church
In this book, scholars of Korean American Protestant churches address key challenges concerning sociocultural and theological formation of identity and mission. The discussions are arranged in three areas: identity formation, missional and spiritual formation, and inter-cultural formation.
We Have Plenty: A Womanist Theology of Communal Abundance for the Black Church
In We Have Plenty, Lorena Parrish traces the history of theologies of prosperity, the ways such theologies appear in the Black church, and the unique harms for Black women and communities. Parrish then offers a womanist way forward, a moral imagination for just social relations, Jesus-centered economic ethics, and Black communal thriving.
Available September 23, 2025
The Islamic Mary: Maryam Through the Centuries
The Islamic Mary explores the figure of Mary/Maryam shared between Christians and Muslims. Maryam is revered throughout the Islamic tradition, beginning already in the scripture of the Qur'an. This book examines the varied appearances of Maryam in different Islamic literary, theological, pious, and interfaith contexts.
Available September 9, 2025
Food Theology: Nourishing Faith in Local Communities
Weaving together scriptural reflection, compelling stories, best practices, and satisfying recipes, Food Theology introduces a gospel-centered food theology and provides a user-friendly "how to" guide for those who want to explore and deepen the transformative role of food in their mission and ministry.
Available September 9, 2025
Reading Christian Apocrypha: Tradition, Interpretation, Practice
Reading Christian Apocrypha provides a fresh approach to the functions of apocryphal texts in the history of Christianity. The apocryphal writings reveal that Christianity, from the very beginning, developed a variety of theological perspectives within diverse linguistic traditions and geographical areas.
Available September 16, 2025
God on Trial: Testing for the Divine
How do we know if God is benevolent? Can we trust God, or is our faith finally in vain? Noted philosopher Paul Moser takes up this concern with a rigorous and persuasive argument that God is constantly seeking to vindicate divine goodness and to self-manifest God's divinity as perfect goodness to humans.
Available September 16, 2025
Digital Homiletics: The Theology and Practice of Online Preaching
Digital Homiletics demystifies the art of online preaching and helps readers understand both the why and the how of engaging listeners in digital formats. After laying a concise and accessible theological foundation, Yang shares ten methods for effective digital preaching. Readers will find concrete tips and advice for sharing God's word online.
Sola: Christ, Grace, Faith, and Scripture Alone in Martin Luther's Theology
Leppin explores the four "solas" of the Reformation -- Christ, grace, faith, and scripture -- as both anchored in the culture of late-medieval devotion and representing new, firmly demarcated formulae. Leppin helps readers understand that in the journey toward new theological understandings, continuity and discontinuity were inextricably linked.
The Kingdom Among Us: The Gospel According to Dallas Willard
The Kingdom Among Us presents a comprehensive account of Dallas Willard's theology. By examining Willard's writings and hundreds of hours of audio recordings, Michael Stewart Robb both recovers and expands Willard's theological vision of the kingdom among us. Readers will encounter a complete picture of one of the giants of modern spirituality.
God on Broadway: Revealing the Sacred in the Spectacle
God on Broadway explores the theological questions cracked open by commercial theatre. It shows how the Great White Way--that apex of consumerism and a synonym for the business of spectacle--can be a place for theophany and critical reflection on religion. Looking for God "on Broadway" is a way of doing theology, a method for talking about God.
Available September 23, 2025
Under the Shade Tree: Reading the Bible in Africa
Under the Shade Tree investigates how the Bible was and is read in Africa and by Africans. It proposes a synthesis that resists the way the Bible is used in Africa to support forms of deception and fraud. It argues for critical study of the Bible, not only for biblical scholarship, but also for ordinary people's reading of the Bible.
Available September 23, 2025
What Are Drugs For?: An Exploration of Stolen Fire
What Are Drugs For? excavates the religious and social histories of humanity's relationships with drugs, showing how they have shaped religions, societies, and notions of the good life. Drugs are tools for human flourishing, but are best known for their powers of destruction. What Are Drugs For? is about what makes the difference.
Available September 30, 2025
1 Samuel: A Conceptual Feminist Interpretation
Susanne Scholz here offers a new interpretation of the historical narrative in 1 Samuel in ways that sharply illuminate its archaeological, historical, and exegetical dimensions and its treatment of women, men, the monarchy, and the ethnic and national rivalries that drive the narrative.
Available September 30, 2025
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