Luteranismo en el Caribe: La misión luterana en Puerto Rico
Luteranismo en el Caribe cuenta la historia de la iglesia luterana en Puerto Rico desde una perspectiva caribena. Rodriguez combina la investigacion de archivo con comentarios y relatos, realzando el poder y la agencia de luteranos puertorriquenos y antillanos en medio del legado multifacetico de los esfuerzos misioneros euroamericanos en la isla.
Meeting the Enemy: The Fossil Fuel Industry and the Power of Christian Climate Resistance
The catastrophic effects of climate change are overwhelming. What can we do? Who is responsible? In the tradition of Walter Wink, O'Brien reminds us that Christians have the power to name and oppose the enemies of God's creation. The fossil fuel industry is our enemy. We can confront this evil power and build a more faithful future.
Embracing Our Time: The Sacrament of Interfaith Friendship
Embracing Our Time provides practical resources for interfaith engagement rooted in a Catholic perspective. Drawing on Trinitarian, sacramental, and feminist theologies, Cooper shows that interreligious collaboration is a concrete expression of the interdependence at the heart of Catholic faith.
Available May 13, 2025
Song of Songs: A Commentary
Berlin approaches the Song of Songs as a Jewish-Hellenistic work of love poetry. She notes Greek ideas throughout the book and shows how they have been adjusted into Jewish thought and literary forms. Going beyond previous studies, this volume emphasizes that the Song's blending of the Jewish and the Greek is part of its literary virtuosity.
The Beauty of Souls: Aesthetic Encounters with Marilynne Robinson
The Beauty of Souls dialogues with scriptural, theological, and philosophical interlocutors to illuminate Marilynne Robinson's unique vision. It shows that Robinson's fiction does more than simply display and evoke beauty; it offers a philosophical-theological framework to discover and express the beauty of our own souls.
Available March 18, 2025
The Annotated Luther, Volume 1: The Roots of Reform
Contains writings from 1517 to 1520 by Martin Luther that defined the roots of reform, beginning with the Ninety-Five Theses through The Freedom of a Christian, and including treatises, letters, and sermons. Also included are documents that reveal Luther's earliest confrontations with Rome that led to his excommunication by Leo X in 1520.
Gospel as Letter: A Commentary on 1 Thessalonians
This reading of 1 Thessalonians--quite possibly the earliest text in the Christian canon--tracks the "media revolution" when the gospel moved from oral to written form. The commentary pays careful attention to ethics (how the gospel translates into Christian living) and theology (how the gospel resolves some of the basic fears of life).
The Reformations of Medicine: Early Modern Beginnings and Contemporary Possibilities
The Reformations of Medicine explores the transformations of religious approaches to medicine in early modernity, with a particular focus on Martin Luther's thought. Lomperis examines implications of these early modern developments for contemporary intersections of spirituality and healthcare.
Available April 22, 2025
Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling, Revised and Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition
For twenty years, educators, caregivers, psychotherapists, and theologians have turned to Pamela Cooper-White's Shared Wisdom on the dynamics between caregivers and care seekers. Now, Cooper-White updates her groundbreaking book to present new insights on how understanding one's own emotional reactions remains a core competency for ministry.
When the Spirit Is Your Inheritance: Reflections on Borderlands Pentecostalism
This book explores Latino Pentecostal racial identity by focusing on lived religious practices, sociological insights, and grounded theological reflection. Jonthan Calvillo addresses issues of immigration, Latinidad, anti-Black racism, and economic justice by presenting cross-generational snapshots of belonging in the United States.
Learning to Be Fair: Equity from Classical Philosophy to Contemporary Politics
Learning to Be Fair excavates the ancient origins of equity in classical Greek and Roman thought and traces their influence on lawyers, philosophers, America's Founding Fathers, and contemporary culture. He connects current debates about equity to long-standing questions about civil disobedience and the possibility of teaching people to be good.
The Disappearance of Eve and the Gender of Christ: Why Traditional Soteriology Requires a Trans* Savior
By assigning responsibility for sin to Adam and credit for salvation to Christ, Paul removed Eve from salvation history. This book revises Paul's original formula and, with it, common claims about Christ's sex and gender. It accepts Christ as both the new Adam and the new Eve and accepts that Christ is, theologically speaking, trans.
Available April 15, 2025
Beyond Equality: Women Leaders in Higher Education
Women desire to move past resistance--sticky floors, glass ceilings, glass cliffs--and fulfill their potential for leadership. This book shows that equality is necessary yet insufficient as evidenced by the experiences of women leaders. Responsive agency is the answer to the empty goal of equality.
Singing Church History: Introducing the Christian Story through Hymn Texts
Christianity is a "singing church" with biblical foundations and centuries of examples in Psalms and canticles, hymns, and gospel songs. Rorem brings history to life through engaging tales of the stories behind hymn texts. This volume is an ecumenical history of the music that has us "singing church history" each Sunday.
Capernaum: Jews and Christians in the Ancient Village from the Time of Jesus to the Emergence of Islam
The book meets the needs of scholars and students of New Testament Studies, Rabbinics, Patristics/Byzantine Studies, and Galilean Studies for information on the localized historical development of Jewish-Christian interaction in the town of Capernaum through the integration of archaeological and literary sources.
Quiet Voices: Silence in the Hebrew Bible
Silence occurs between words during conversation and between musical notes in a composition, and is an indicator of mood and emotion. Examining silence in the context of the Bible gives the reader the opportunity to ask significant questions about why silence occurs, its value to life, and how it relates to our understanding of God.
Theology in Motion: Migration, History, and Responsibility
Theology in Motion helps us look to the future by analyzing how our past choices about immigration have left us with present responsibilities. Taking these responsibilities seriously and pursuing more just global relationships provides a way forward in which all people might participate and to which Christians are called.
The Asianization of Christianity: New Models for Mission
The Asianization of Christianity is a catalyst to change the mission landscape of Asia by making the gospel more accessible to Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Animists, and others. It is hoped that a new generation of mission leaders will use these culturally specific principles to build bridges from the heart of God to the heart of Asian cultures.
A Liberation Theology of the Brain: Neuroscience, Theology, and Decolonizing Emotions
Using insights from neuroscience, theology, and his experiences as pastor, professor, and activist, Santos-Rolon explores how science and theology illuminate God's decolonizing effects on the brain and nervous system. Structures of injustice in the world must also be dismantled in us--and the future that God is birthing is taking shape within us.
Available June 10, 2025
Christians and Christianity in India Today: Historical, Theological, and Missiological Assessments
This book provides a panoramic view of Christians in India today. It deals with Christianity's history, major theological themes and approaches, and missiological issues in India within the framework of World Christianity.
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